Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

Free Download Microsoft Office 2010

Ada yang ingin Microsoft office 2010 ?
Walaupun Microsoft office 2010 masih dalam tahap percobaan tetapi rata-rata orang indonesia itu tidak pernah sabar untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Nah kali ini saya ingin berbagi software lagi yang cukup dicari orang-orang. Office 14 atau orang-orang lebih mengenalnya sebagai Microsoft Office 2010. Software yang sudah sangat melekat dihati orang-orang hingga banyak orang yang tidak bisa membedakan mana windows dan mana microsoft padahal mereka sangat berbeda jauh.. Disini saya hanya sertakan link download Office 14 dari Hotfile dan rapidshare saja.

Link sudah expire apabila anda masih ingin mendapatkan office 2010 silahkan download melalui link dibawah ini
Download Microsoft Office Professional 2010
Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi alternatif link yang dapat digunakan tapi tiga aja sudah cukup kali ya.. Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas tentang Office 2010 kalian bisa kunjungi di Ok semoga membantu dan dapat bermanfaat.

Mungkin Anda Tertarik..

Download Google Translate Client v4 Beta

Google Translate adalah yang paling banyak digunakan layanan terjemahan gratis. Tapi menerjemahkan halaman web atau sepotong teks masih dapat menjadi proses melelahkan: Anda perlu untuk mengunjungi situs Google Translator, copy / paste teks, memilih bahasa … Terlalu lama!

Google Translate Client adalah software penerjemah yang menerjemahkan teks dalam setiap aplikasi Windows seperti Outlook, MS Word, Internet Explorer, Firefox dan sebagainya.

Setelah menginstal Anda akan melihat Client for Google Translate dalam system tray dan setiap kali Anda ingin menerjemahkan beberapa teks, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah memblock tulisan dan teks akan diterjemahkan langsung!

Berikut sedikit screenshotnya.

Google Translate CLient


Dari gambar diatas dapat dilihat betapa lebih mudahnya melakukan translate dibandingkan harus mengunjungi Bahkan seperti yang saya jelaskan diatas bahwa system tersebut juga dapat berjalan pada program windows seperti MS Office, dll.

Download Google Translate Client 4 Beta


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Tapi sekarang Windows 7 sudah ada di komuter saya..?? Lho katanya LemoT…??
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Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Youtube Downloader Buat Download Video Youtube

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack Untuk Memutar berbagai macam format Video

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack muter video lebih mudah lebih ringan lebih asik pakai multimedia player classic. software ini merupakan koleksi codec dan DirectShow filter. Codecs dan DirectShow filter diperlukan untuk encoding dan decoding (memutar) format audio dan video. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack ini adalah kumpulan dari DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, dan tools lainnya. K-Lite Codec Pack dirancang dengan user-friendly sehingga mudah digunakan untuk pemutaran semua file film atau file audio. Codecs dan DirectShow filters tersebut adalah komponen yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk melakukan proses encoding dan decoding dari file-file dengan format audio dan video. Dengan K-Lite codec Pack Anda dapat memainkan semua format audio dan video, bahkan anda bisa memutar beberapa format langka yang jarang kita temukan.

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and related tools. Codec is short for Compressor-Decompressor. Codecs are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video. It is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your video files. You should be able to play all the popular movie formats and even some rare formats.

Contents of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack:


* Media Player Classic Homecinema [version 1.3.1330.0]
* Media Player Classic [version rev. 104]


* ffdshow [revision 3126]
* ffdshow VFW interface

DirectShow video decoding filters:

* XviD [version 1.2.2]
* DivX [version 6.8.5]
* DivX H.264 [version]
* On2 VP7 [version]
* MPEG-2 (Cyberlink) [version]
* MPEG-2 (Gabest) [version]

DirectShow audio decoding filters:

* AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.63b]
* Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version]
* AAC (MONOGRAM) [version]

DirectShow audio parsers:

* FLAC (madFLAC) [version 1.8]
* WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.1.1]
* MusePack (MONOGRAM) [version |]
* Monkey's Audio (DCoder) [version 1.0]
* OptimFROG (RadLight) [version]
* AMR (MONOGRAM) [version]
* DC-Bass Source [version 1.2.0]
* AC3/DTS Source (AC3File) [version 0.7b]

DirectShow source filters:

* Haali Media Splitter [version]
* AVI splitter (Gabest) [version]
* MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1290.0]
* Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1290.0]
* Ogg splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1290.0]
* MPEG PS/TS splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1290.0]
* FLV splitter (Gabest) [version 1.3.1290.0]
* CDXA Reader (Gabest) [version]

DirectShow subtitle filter:

* DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version]
* DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33]

Other filters:

* Haali Video Renderer [version]

VFW video codecs:

* XviD [version 1.2.2]
* DivX [version 6.8.5]
* x264 [revision 1195]
* On2 VP6 [version]
* On2 VP7 [version]
* Intel Indeo 4 [version]
* Intel Indeo 5 [version 5.2562.15.54]
* Intel I.263 [version]
* huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5]
* DivX [version 3.11]
* YV12 (Helix) [version 1.2]

ACM audio codecs:

* MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version]
* MP3 (LAME) [version 3.98.2]
* AC3ACM [version 1.4]
* Vorbis [version]
* DivX WMA [version]

Real Alternative:

* RealMedia codecs [version]
* RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
* RealMedia plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera/Chrome
* RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version 1.3.1290.0]


* Codec Tweak Tool [version 4.0.0]
* GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.70a]
* MediaInfo Lite [version 0.7.24]
* VobSubStrip [version 0.11]
* GraphStudio [version]
* Haali Muxer
* FourCC Changer
* Bitrate Calculator

Note: Older versions of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack which run on all operating systems can be downloaded here.

What's New in version 5.4.0:

* Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1330.0
* Added version 1.2.1008 of MPC-HC as alternative for those who have problems with the newer versions
* Updated ffdshow to revision 3126
* Added preferred filter tweaker for Windows 7
* Updated MediaInfo Lite to version 0.7.24
* Options to install secondary decoders: DivX H.264 decoder, Monogram AAC decoder, Gabest AVI splitter
* Secondary decoders are disabled by default and can be activated with the Codec Tweak Tool
* Fixed settings issue when user chose to store MPC settings in an INI file
* Moved Media Player Classic DXVA options to a separate page so that people notice it better
* The DXVA H.264 decoder is now disabled by default to prevent people with a buggy graphics driver to get playback troubles
* Minor changes

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Filesize: 23.12MB

Smadav Anti Virus Gratis - Buatan Anak Bangsa

Smadav saat ini merupakan salah satu anti virus terbaik di dunia. Smadav anti virus telah disempurnakan untuk menjadi jauh lebih cepat dan lebih ringan dalam mendeteksi dan mengamankan komputer Anda dari ancaman virus di Indonesia. Fitur-fitur baru yang ditambahkan seperti Smad-Turbo (Scanning 10x lebih cepat), Smad-Theme (Mengganti warna tema), Smad-Ray (Otomatis scan flashdisk sangat cepat). Ini semua membuat Smadav menjadi salah satu dari antivirus tercepat dan paling ringan sedunia, sehingga Smadav tetap dapat digunakan pada komputer-komputer dengan spesifikasi rendah sekalipun.

12 Reasons to use SmadAV

1). SmaRTP technology, SMART-Protection
-Protection of the world's lightest, fastest
and at least use the computer resource.
- Not only depend on the number of databases / signatures,
but also has the intelligence (intelligent algorithms) that can
protect your computer from new viruses though.
- Automatic detection of the flash immediately after the plug on the computer.
- Automatic detection when a virus when you are to explore folders
- Can be combined perfectly with all the protection of any antivirus product.
- Supports all OS Windows XP & Vista

2). Smart Scanner
- Technology, the world's fastest antivirus scanner only in SmadAV,
at least use the computer resource.
- Many heuristic methods for the detection of new viruses
and not in the database
- The most complete database of virus in Indonesia because of a database
which combined smart virus detection methods
- A feature "1 viruses by user" and the detection
computer system security level "risk value"
- Supports all OS Windows XP & Vista

3). Cleaner
- Just remove the virus files and never delete a document
- Infected documents will be cleaned and restored
- Automatic quarantine documents can not be clean, do not delete
- Supports all OS Windows XP & Vista

4). Cleaning & repairs Registry
- More than 1000 values in the registry will be scanned and cleaned by SmadAV
- Can serve as a registry repair,
computer performance will be better and faster
- Supports all OS Windows XP & Vista

5). Update
- SmadAV continue to follow the development of a widespread virus in Indonesia
- SmadAV will continue to be revised on an ongoing basis
the period varies depending on the virus growth
- Revision SmadAV will always be released every 1,2,3, or 4 weeks.
- Without any updated SmadAV was very smart to recognize the virus independent
- You can monitor the SmadAV Update

6). Manual is very easy weapon to use
- 1 Virus by user, find out which files are made
You are a strange computer, then Exterminate with SmadAV.
- Process Manager, to monitor and manipulate all processes in memory
- System Editor, change the settings and important secret in windows

7). Free
- You do not have to pay anything to use the full SmadAV
- No ads / ads / banner on the site and SmadAV programs,
donors who cover development costs SmadAV & hosting site
- You can become donors to support
SmadAV development, anti-virus technology in Indonesia

8). SmadAV Team is a professional team
- Founder / Programmer is a student in one of the University
seed in Indonesia and Freelancers (remote workers) experienced
Freelance & company the best programming in the U.S., with a rating of 9.75 / 10
and has completed more than 50 projects programming / software.
- Web Admin is a web-master professional and experienced
in the development of the site and forum-based CMS
- Team is a team SmadAV antivirus and collection volunteers terhandal Indonesia
- Has 4 divisions webmaster, Momod (Forum Moderator),
Viser (virus researcher), and Designer.
- Seriously, team members practice SmadAV science aims only
and advancing technology, did not aim for profit

9). Portable and support all Windows OS
- No need to install
- Only one. Exe file with a very small size
- Not always in the hard disk, can be placed
in flash, CD / DVD, or other removable media.
- Supports all OS Windows XP & Vista for all features
in SmadAV (Scanner, SmaRTP, Registry-Cleaner, etc..)

10). Site best and most complete antivirus
- Sites that light, fast, and beautiful in
- Upload a virus very easily and quickly in
- There are forums for discussion and antivirus for help
- There's a chat in the Smad-Chat
- Site information as viruses and the latest anti-virus in Indonesia

11). Smad-Lock
- Protection SmadAV will automatically lock your Flashdisk
- Almost impossible Flashdisk viruses can infect you again

12). The secret features?
- For the next revision, the Team has prepared SmadAV
many features incredible secret
- Features of this secret so incredible, new,
and Indonesia in particular will surprise Smadavers (User SmadAV)
- Programmers are developing this feature,
and if it is perfect will soon be released
- What are the secret features are?
because the secret so just wait the time comes ...

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File Size: 400 KB

Tampil Lebih Keren Dengan Google Desktop

Apakah anda tahu tentang google desktop? Google Desktop Membuat pencarian di komputer Anda semudah mencari web dengan Google. Ini adalah aplikasi pencarian desktop yang menyediakan pencarian teks lengkap melalui email, file, musik, foto, chatting, Gmail, halaman web yang telah Anda lihat, dan banyak lagi. Dengan membuat komputer Anda dapat dicari, Desktop menempatkan informasi Anda dengan mudah dalam jangkauan Anda dan membebaskan Anda dari keharusan secara manual mengatur file, email dan bookmark.

Google Desktop tidak hanya membantu Anda mencari komputer Anda, tetapi juga membantu Anda mengumpulkan informasi baru dari web dan tetap terorganisir dengan gadget dan sidebar. Google Gadgets dapat ditempatkan di manapun di desktop Anda untuk menampilkan email baru, cuaca, foto, personalisasi berita, dan banyak lagi. Sidebar adalah panel vertikal pada desktop Anda yang membantu Anda tetap terorganisir gadget Anda.

Google launched a new version of its Desktop Search program named Google Desktop. Google Desktop was created to make searching on computers as easy as searching the web with Google. It provides full text search over your email, files, music, photos, chats, Gmail, web pages that you've viewed, and many more. As a Windows XP users, Desktop can accurately locate documents in my PC as it indexes not only the title but also the inner text. Back to Desktop 5, what's so special about it? Actually, not too surprising. Here are the new stuff in Desktop 5:

* Improved look-n-feel of the sidebar and some of the gadgets
The new feeling is more Vista-like, for instance, the option buttons in the sidebar or the transparent background in the sidebar. Another update is the 'Add Gadgets' page. When scrolling over individual gadgets, it displays basic information about the gadget at the bottom of the page where previously users will have to visit visit a new web page. But compared with Mac dashboard (or even some Yahoo Widgets), Desktop still lack design talents though improvements could be seen in later versions. One thing I really dislike: when auto-hide is selected, the sidebar background becomes black when it appears on top of other screens (other than the desktop). It just does not look cool.

* Introducing ranking in search results
Before search results are arranged in date or relevancy. But relevancy here only takes into account text-matching. Desktop 5, however, tries to rank results according to factors such as whether the file is used recently and frequently, or have been designated as particularly important by the user, for instance through the creation of a desktop shortcut. This definitely improves the relevancy of search results but the problem is personalization takes time so users won't see any significant changes immediately.

* Preview search results
Instead of waiting for an entire application to open just to verify that you’ve found the file you were looking for, Desktop 5 provides preview for search results right inside the browser. This preview might come from the PlusBox idea in Google search but if users not only can preview text, but also preview images and play audio Desktop shall be much more powerful. Another inadequacy is that previews do not highlight the search term which means users will have to glance through the whole thing to find what they are looking for.

* Better Security
I was being mislead by the title as well. But as you read on ... "We care about your security", it explains more. Desktop will show a warning when you are about to visit a site that might be trying to steal your personal information or install malicious software on your computer whether you are clicking on links from documents, IMs and e-mails on your desktop or browsing the web itself. This feature is already available in Google web search and it definitely improves security of your computer. (This feature even protects you from those annoying MSN virus which says 'Is that you in the right corner of the photo? Is looks exactly like you!' and a link attached which actually redirects you to a site where a virus is installed on your computer.)

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File size: 1.92MB

Adobe Flash Player Buat Browsing Situs Flash
Adobe flash player merupakan software yang sangat penting untuk menjelajah berbagai macam situs internet. Jika anda membuka web flash anda pasti diminta menginstal flash player.

Flash plays small, fast multimedia buttons, as well as interactive animations, flying logos, and graphics created in Macromedia Flash. This player is very small, takes only a short time to download, and is a great starting point for experiencing multimedia on the Web. Flash also supports high-fidelity MP3 streaming audio, text entry fields, interactive interfaces, and more. All Flash formats can be viewed with this latest release.

Since Javascript was enabled, in order to check whether this was a problem of Youtube's site only, I browse to other sites that I know use flash tech to find that I was really unable to watch any Flash content. They all prompted me to download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. Visit Adobe's site and tried to get the latest Flash Player online. The key thing is that after installing the add-on, the movie clip that always appear on the site saying that your installation was successful didn't appear at all. Strangely, by refreshing the page -by hitting the F5 key- it did appear. Weird.for : Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and Internet Explorer.

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File Size : 1.76 MB.

Fresh Download
Ingin instal IDM tapi gak punya duit untuk beli softwarenya, kenapa tidak memakai fresh download aja? Kalau ada yang gratis kenapa harus bayar? dengan menginstal fresh download ke komputer anda anda tetap bisa memanage hasil download anda tanpa harus mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun. download softwarenya sekarang juga klik link paling bawah :)
Fresh Download is a robust and very fast download manager software that turbo charges downloading any files, such as your favorite software, mp3 files, video files, picture collections, etc.
Unlike any other similar utilities (e.g. Gozilla, Download Accelerator, Getright), this software is 100% free, no charges, no banners/ads in the software, no spyware.
Also includes split, resume, schedule and browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, and Mozilla) integration features, clipboard monitoring, drag and drop url, download basket, internal zip extractor, integration with antivirus programs and proxy.
New in this version: support for Crazy Browser (using Method 2 of IE integration) and reported minor bugs fixed. Close the old version before installing it.
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Size: 1.7MB

Photo Bie
Apakah anda adalah seorang designer? apakah anda membutuhkan software untuk mengedit foto, bila semua jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas adalah iya maka photosop adalah jawabanya. Namun ada 1 hal yang membuat seseorang enggan memakai photoshop? apakah itu? iya, anda harus mengeluarkan uang yang cukup banyak, merogoh kocek lebih dalem untuk mendapatkan software resminya. Lalu bagaimanakah solusinya bila anda tidak memiliki uang untuk membelinya? Apakah anda Butuh solusi? Kenapa tidak pakai Photobie aja,

Photobie is an Image Editing software with most features similar to Photoshop plus advanced screen capture and photo frame editing features. Photobie is image editing software that combines features amateurs can use with advanced tools professionals will appreciate. Photobie is free for personal use with no Pro upgrade to pay for -- all features are free. Photobie is also a community of people. With photobie screen capture you can prepare presentation very simply. Photobie has simple user interface. Furthermore, if you have MS Word and other software that create specific graphics or art fonts, then with Photobie you can simply capture it and paste it to any image. Photobie supports multiple-layer image retouching for advanced image editing.

  • A free software for photo editing, scrapbooking, animation, screen capture ...
  • A community of graphics enthusiasts, who are sharing their experties and artworks ...
  • A network of professionals providing software, graphics and web design services

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From Software Author.

File Size = 3.2 MB

AllPlayer - Software Gratis Lagi Untuk Memutar Video Dan Audiofile

Sama Seperti Namanya, Software ini berfungsi untuk memainkan berbagai macam format video dan audio seperti: MKV, DivX, Xvid, Flash, QuickTime, DVD, MP3, FLAC dan lain lain, Bila anda tertarik untuk menggunakan software ini untuk memanage dan memutar file video audio file yang anda miliki, anda bisa mendownloadnya dengan meng klik link paling bawah.

Like its name, ALLPlayer will plays all kind multimedia file formats. One player for all known formats including MKV, DivX, Xvid, Flash, QuickTime, DVD, MP3, FLAC files.
If you have problems with codecs, the LiveUpdate service will help to clean, update and fix your playback problems.

The new ALLPlayer 4.1 is available :
* a problem with no image in full screen mode when the brightness was greater than 1 - the image flashed and
stopped (or could be seen only black screen) - a serious mistake already improved.
* Standard output settled as DirectSoundDevice Audio, and not as Direct Wave as it was. Now ALLPlayer volume is independent from the Windows volume
* Improved DivX muxer (inserting subtitles to AVI files).
* The "Filters" -> "Subtitles by Filter" disabled by default.
* Improved option "FullScreen mode" when EVR is on.
* Improved speed of loading and starting movies.
* In this version ALLPlayer recognize and correctly plays several other formats of movies and music.

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From Software Author.

File Size = 2.63 MB.

Nonton Gratis Stasiun TV Luarnegri Dengan RevoluTV

Ingin Nonton Stasiun TV Luar Negri Gratis? Bisa gak ya? Bisa, Asalkan anda memiliki koneksi internet yang memadai semua itu bisa anda lakukan. anda tidak membutuhkan TV tuner Untuk bisa nonton stasiun TV luar Negri, Semua Yang Anda Butuhkan Hanyalah Menginstal RevoluTV. Sebuah software gratis dari internet, anda bisa menonton stasiun TV melalui komputer anda. Klik link paling bawah untuk download software ini :)

RevoluTV allows you to watch hundreds of free Internet TV channels on your PC.
If you are interested in breaking news, entertainment, learning languages or foreign cultures then this is a perfect choice for you. News, Sports, Music, Weather, Religion and more internet TV channels all over the world!

No additional hardware required:
It does not require a TV Tuner card, since these programs are broadcasted over the Internet.

Software requirements:
Windows XP or Windows Vista is requered.

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Software Developer Homepage

From Software Author.

File Size = 954 KB.